alias of FigureCanvasWxAgg
Bases: matplotlib.backends.backend_agg.FigureCanvasAgg, matplotlib.backends.backend_wx.FigureCanvasWx
The FigureCanvas contains the figure and does event handling.
In the wxPython backend, it is derived from wxPanel, and (usually) lives inside a frame instantiated by a FigureManagerWx. The parent window probably implements a wxSizer to control the displayed control size - but we give a hint as to our preferred minimum size.
Initialise a FigureWx instance.
Transfer the region of the agg buffer defined by bbox to the display. If bbox is None, the entire buffer is transferred.
Render the figure using agg.
Bases: matplotlib.backends.backend_wx.FigureFrameWx
Bases: matplotlib.backends.backend_wx.NavigationToolbar2Wx
Create a new figure manager instance
Create a new figure manager instance for the given figure.